Foreign Language in the Workplace
Foreign language in the workplace can be hugely beneficial. Find out here how language diversity in the workplace can benefit a business and employees.
Foreign language in the workplace can be hugely beneficial. Find out here how language diversity in the workplace can benefit a business and employees.
Christmas away from home can be difficult. Find out more here about an expat Christmas away from home.
Relocating to New York can be both an exciting and daunting prospect. Find out more here about relocating to New York.
A case study about one family relocating from Perth to Manchester and back again, ten years apart.
Categorising Gesture
Gestures! They come in two categories: polite and rude. With global travel and relocation so readily available (and different cultures proudly owning their own gesturing mannerisms) it is well worth travellers and expatriates taking the time to learn what is acceptable in the wild world of gestures!
ou don’t want to be regretful of your relocation or your latest career move, therefore prior to accepting the job you need to properly investigate your new employer and new location. These are the top 5 key questions you should be asking…
Moving to a new location is extremely exciting and a fantastic opportunity to learn fresh life skills including how to speak a new language. This may seem a daunting task at first (and many assignees describe feeling nervous regarding language barriers), but do not fear: there are many tools and tricks that will have you chatting with the locals in no time!
Challenges for expatriates are varied. Find out here whether men or women cope best in challenges for expatriates.