It’s a small world
In an era where agile and international working is becoming ever more common place, employers’ needs to relocate employees remain as strong as ever. Increasingly, professionals are actively seeking opportunities to move overseas; with cheap (or free) methods of communication readily available online (social media, video calls) the world is becoming a smaller place.
Everyone’s an expert
We know the professional population is no stranger to travel (with affordable air travel and the bargain package holiday) – living and working abroad is simply easier these days. With language apps and cultural information openly available online to all, ‘culture shock’ and the intimidation factor associated with living and working overseas are massively reduced.
HR’s worst nightmare
This is great news for employers taking advantage of global talent pools, but this creates additional work for already busy HR departments. With each relocation potentially offering a different set of challenges (visas, accommodation, transport, family support) … HR are pulling together a whirlwind of ever changing relocation factors whilst also trying to cover their core HR responsibilities.
Same difference
Often organisations that have written their own relocation programmes, find themselves making one-off changes to policies as they face challenges relating to the needs of each, individual, relocating employee. A Relocation Service Provider can help to reduce this, by casting an expert eye over your existing policy, spotting any loopholes or gaps and ultimately helping you to fill them.
Bargain hunting
If your HR department is under pressure, the odds are they aren’t in a position to devote quality time to finding the best relocation deals. The answer? Approach a Relocation Service Provider who already has the knowledge and contacts in new locations. A Provider should help you reduce relocation programme costs whilst providing a quality service, saving your HR team time and stress.
Technology trials
Processing relocation programmes internally requires the relevant relocation service systems, and spending time training internal colleagues on how to use them. Organisations might find it easier to hire a Relocation Service Provider that already has the setup required to provide smooth processing and accurate reporting of relocation information – they already have the technology.
Tracking tribulations
A reputable Relocation Service Provider can also provide you with assistance on compliance. Tracking multiple relocating employees can be a struggle, especially if you’re sending people to different global locations. Tracking is necessary to make sure your organisation is compliant with immigration / employment laws in the relevant country; why not leave the red tape to the experts?
Cowboy conundrums
HR Departments are frequently filled with a sense of dread as they review proposals from new relocations suppliers (household goods movers, real estate agents, local consultants and language tutors). How do you know which suppliers are reputable and reliable? This is another area where Relocation Service Providers can help – they often have their own tried and tested suppliers.
Choose carefully
A huge number of organisations from SMEs to large corporates utilise Relocation Service Providers. It is useful to do your research on which Provider will best suit your requirements. A quality Provider will be able to offer you testimonials and case studies from other clients; make sure you speak to your industry contacts for reviews of a Provider’s services before making your final selection.
A complex international future…
Global business is continuously expanding and with ever increasing complexity surrounding worldwide visas, services, tariffs, global talent (and dare I say ‘Brexit’) relocations are only becoming more complicated. Sometimes the wisest move is to seek guidance from the experts; a good Relocation Service Provider will be able to help you navigate a complex international future.
Katie Smith, Assoc CIPD, BA Hons, HR Advisor at Alchemy Global Talent Solutions