International relocation and global mobility are big business, but where in the world is everyone heading? We’ve found the top five relocation destinations in the world and why they’ve become so popular.
1. USA
It’s hardly surprising that this economic giant is the number one destination for corporate relocation. It still remains the ‘land of opportunity’ for businesses throughout the world, with New York the first choice job location within the USA itself.
2. UK
The UK has been making massive progress in rivaling the USA for global mobility preference. The outlook for the British economy has improved enormously, rising for 5 quarters straight. London remains the preferred city for international work opportunities, far above New York.
3. China
As a rapidly growing economy, China is a very appealing relocation opportunity. For an abundance of sectors it offers some big business benefits. Yet, it appears that Singapore is actually starting to take over from China in terms of Asian dream job transfers, according to a survey conducted by Cartus at the ERC Worldwide Conference in Shanghai, April 2014.
4. Germany
The Germans are notorious for their efficiency and straight forward approach when it comes to business. They are unparalleled in respect of their manufacturing and automotive industries. Regardless of sector, however, Germany offers prime opportunities for formal and straightforward business experience.
5. Switzerland
The Swiss have a lot to offer with regards to culture as well as business. German, French and Italian are all major languages spoken across the country, thus providing ample opportunities for a wide variety of candidates with different linguistic capabilities.