Considering Corporate Housing? Bear in mind these 4 factors…
The expansion of the Corporate Housing industry and reasons why you should consider Corporate Housing on your next assignment
The expansion of the Corporate Housing industry and reasons why you should consider Corporate Housing on your next assignment
Categorising Gesture
Gestures! They come in two categories: polite and rude. With global travel and relocation so readily available (and different cultures proudly owning their own gesturing mannerisms) it is well worth travellers and expatriates taking the time to learn what is acceptable in the wild world of gestures!
Post-Brexit a large percentage of the UK population are lamenting losing EU citizenship, so why not find out here just how you can keep it.
In an era where agile and international working is becoming ever more common place, employers’ needs to relocate employees remain as strong as ever. Increasingly, professionals are actively seeking opportunities to move overseas
What can Corporate Housing and Serviced Apartment providers do to decrease the industry’s carbon footprint?
Tips on how to feel more like home in corporate housing whilst on assignments
Have you been tasked with the selection of a new corporate housing provider? Check out these 4 key consideration points to help you make the best decision on behalf of your organisation…
Corporate Housing is becoming an increasingly popular choice, particularly for the business traveller, with promises of comfortable home from home living at a competitive price.
Advise on how to relocate with your animals, whilst causing them little to no stress!